Sam Altman Says, The whole world wants AI and the market will deliver

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman recently expressed that the whole world is clamoring for artificial intelligence technology and the market will deliver.

Altman told tech executives, business founders, and the public at the Singapore Management University, “We have got sophisticated enough languages and also powerful enough computers that we could make AI bigger and bigger and bigger. We are going to make models more efficient. We are going to make way more chips. I think this is clearly what the world wants and the market will deliver.”

Altman said, “OpenAI was focusing on making AI as affordable as possible. We want to drive the cost of intelligence down and down and down. We want to make this stuff so cheap you don’t have to think about it.”

According to Altman, “OpenAI has cut inference costs by 10 times once every three or so months. We plan to continue to have big cuts in the future. We have to keep making research breakthroughs to be able to do that.”

At an industry forum hosted online by the Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence on Saturday, Altman said, “China should take the lead in AI regulation and that the country has some of the best AI talents in the world.”

Altman and other tech leaders recently warned in an open letter, “AI poses a human extinction risk on par with nuclear war and stressed that reducing the risks associated with the technology should be a global priority.”