Microsoft Invests in Startup that helps coding novices to Make Applications

Microsoft invested in, a startup that helps firms having no coding experience to make applications and has doubled its efforts in the artificial intelligence space. is a startup that makes “no-code” and “low-code” platforms. Its software allows anyone with limited coding experience to develop and manage applications. Through this strategic partnership with, Microsoft…

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IBM Takes Another Shot at Watson as AI Becomes More Popular

It has been a long time since IBM has actively attempted to sell Watson. Watson was originally created to beat humans at the ‘Jeopardy’ game show. Watson marked IBM’s early signs in the artificial intelligence space, but it never led to a profitable offering.      Around 15 months ago, IBM sold its Watson Health unit to private equity firm Francisco…

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Alphabet to Unveil AI Updates at Google Annual Developer Conference

Artificial intelligence is going to be a central point at Google’s annual developer conference as the company is planning to unveil a number of generative AI updates, including unveiling a general-use large language model. The company will launch PaLM 2. It is Google’s most recent and advanced Large Language Model (LLM). PaLM 2 includes over 100 languages…

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Early Investor in Google’s DeepMind Says, Human-like AI Still Distance Away

According to an early investor in Google’s research laboratory, DeepMind, “We are still some way off reaching human-level artificial intelligence despite rapid advances in the technology.” Humayun Sheikh is a founding investor in the AI startup DeepMind. DeepMind is currently owned by Google. Sheikh said, “In terms of artificial general intelligence, OpenAI, ChatGPT stuff: it’s…

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