The battle between generative AI companies and hackers begins

When executives from tech giants Amazon, Google, Meta, and Microsoft met with President Joe Biden last month, they pledged to comply with artificial intelligence security measures before releasing their AI tools to the public. Their efforts include exhaustive testing of AI systems to protect against cybersecurity, one of the most important risk areas. The role…

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Apple’s Stock Popped briefly on a report that it is developing its own equivalent of ChatGPT

Apple stock popped for a short time after Bloomberg News reported that the firm is internally developing its own artificial intelligence large language model. The move signifies Apple is taking advanced steps in AI technology and is thinking of integrating AI into its future products. Apple rarely uses the ‘artificial intelligence’ term and mostly prefers using the academic…

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Microsoft’s Stock Hit Record after Analysts Predict $10 Billion in Yearly AI Revenue

Microsoft shares reached a record recently after analysts at JPMorgan Chase predicted the growth prospects of the Company in artificial intelligence. The stock increased 3.2% to close at $348.10, breaking its earlier all-time high record in November 2021. AI has been a buzzword all year, since OpenAI in November 2022 released the ChatGPT chatbot, which went viral quickly….

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Stability AI CEO Says, AI is a Great Investment Opportunity, but it will be the biggest bubble of all time

The CEO of open-source AI Company, Stability AI, is of the opinion that artificial intelligence will be the biggest bubble of all time. Stability AI CEO Emad Mostaque expressed, “I think this will be the biggest bubble of all time. AI is still in the very early stages and not ready for mass-scale adoption in industries…

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