Singapore’s IMDA Says, We are currently not looking to Regulate AI

As governments contemplate whether artificial intelligence technology poses risks or threats and whether it needs regulation, Singapore is taking a wait-and-see approach. Lee Wan Sie, director of trusted AI and data at Singapore’s Infocomm Media Development Authority, said, “We are currently not looking at regulating AI.” IMDA promotes as well as regulates Singapore’s communication and media sectors….

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Meta Plans to Unveil New Broadcasting Channels for WhatsApp Messaging Service

Meta plans to launch a new broadcasting feature in the form of broadcasting channels for its WhatsApp messaging service. Meta Said, “The new Channels feature is akin to a private broadcast service in which people and organizations can send messages and updates to followers that are separate from the kinds of interpersonal communications that occur between…

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European Union Negotiators Secure a Deal to Decarbonize Air Travel Sector

European Union negotiators secured a historic deal to decarbonize the air travel sector, seeking to cut heat-trapping emissions by giving a push to the region’s green aviation fuel market. The agreement on the ReFuelEU Aviation proposal followed talks and was reached at the conclusion by the European Parliament and the Council. It should be now approved by EU…

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